This blog is currently being read by members of my (Jana Nichols Faulk) immediate family. As such, the photos are mainly of us as well. If you have found your way here and would send me photos, I would love to post extended family and friend photos as well. Please leave a comment on a post letting me know and I will get in touch with you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

HELP . . .

I am running out of photos.
Need more
Util then . . . I will only post every other day or so.
Trying to make what I do have last a bit longer.

Please send me photos so we can keep this going.
Casual snapshots are great.


  1. Brenda sent me some. So, unless you send some, we will be looking at the McDonalds for awhile! Thank you, Brenda.

  2. Champ rocks. He just sent me a great bunch of photos. Still looking for more, so we will have some viewing variety!
    Thanks Champ.
