This blog is currently being read by members of my (Jana Nichols Faulk) immediate family. As such, the photos are mainly of us as well. If you have found your way here and would send me photos, I would love to post extended family and friend photos as well. Please leave a comment on a post letting me know and I will get in touch with you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Alberta . . . Alberta. . .

Alberta Marie Byrd
born in 1912
Married Uncle Don

They did not have any children and I do not know anything more about her.
Do you?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hortense and Don

I love this photo of Hortense with her little brother,  Don.
They were living in oil drilling camps - no houses, mostly tents on wooden platforms.
Hortense looks to be 7 or so, and that would make Don about 18 months old.  
This photo would have been taken in 1909.
What a family treasure!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I would guess this might be 1972'ish.
Rick is maybe 17
Jana is probably 15
Brenda must be 14 or so.
I have no rememberance of this place or picture.
I do remember my siblings!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nancy Nichols Krohn and Family

Steve and Nancy Krohn, 
daughters Amanda and Jennifer

Looking forward to visiting with Nancy and meeting Steve and Amanda and Jennifer.
There are grandchildren too, not sure how many.