This blog is currently being read by members of my (Jana Nichols Faulk) immediate family. As such, the photos are mainly of us as well. If you have found your way here and would send me photos, I would love to post extended family and friend photos as well. Please leave a comment on a post letting me know and I will get in touch with you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sisters On Sunday

This photograph was in Uncle Don's album.  In that album were photos of all of his family members at various ages, including his sisters, Hortense and Vivian.  I have no idea who these 2 girls are and if they are even sisters.  The age difference would be right for Hortense and Vivian.  Additionally,  I think that Hortense was fair haired while Vivian was a brunette.  Can anyone add any more information?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturdays Are For Siblings!

I can say with a fair amount of certainty, that this photograph was taken on a Saturday.
We went camping most weekends of the summers while we were in Kansas City.

This photo portrays a scene that is the very base of my childhood memories - sitting around a campfire with my siblings and roasting marshmallows.

Yep - must have cut a deep mark in my being, because I grew up to have a career of taking other people camping and helping them establish memories of their own!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Family Foto Friday

Maybe 2005'ish
On a lake in Central Texas
This is almost all of us - Rick and Tina had not arrived quite yet.
We had such a good time on this vacation.  

Micah brought his buddy Kendall, so there were 2 boys and 2 girls; which evened out the cousin scene.

Rick made a plaster cast of Micah's torso.

Kendall almost killed Jana on the jet ski and then, Kendall and Jana got stranded out in the water for 9 or 10 hours (okay, not really . . . but it felt like a very long time!) before Brenda spotted them from shore and Richard fired up the boat for a rescue mission.

Uncle Bill got to come with the McDonalds. . . we love it when Bill gets to vacation with us.

We all brought a gift and did a fun gift exchange instead of individual birthday presents.

I especially like the relaxed feel of this photo - we all have "lake faces" and "lake hair" and no one cares and we are all smiling.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Clarence Weldon Thompson

My mother's father was Clarence Weldon Thompson.
I do not know much about my grandfather.  
He was born in 1901 in Tyler, Texas and died at the age of 68 in 1969.
I do know that he graduated from The University of Texas as a civil engineer and worked in the oil and gas industry.
One of my aunts told me that Hortense said she married him, "Because he was such a good dancer."
I reckon that is as good a reason as any!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mother Love On Monday

Tommy, Hortense, and Jane Thompson
date unknown

edit - 10/07/11
Talking to Mom, she said she thought this was taken at Tommy and Lucy's wedding.  The internet is not cooperating with me right now, but I will post the date as soon as I can get it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sisters On Sunday

Sometimes one is lucky enough in life to get an extra family member.  
I have 1 fabulous sister and 1 fabulous best friend of 40 years whom I think of as a sister.
This photo is of myself and Laura Hearn in the 10th grade.
Life was so easy and sweet then . . . .

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Saturdays Are For Siblings!



Love this photo.  Everyone looks wonderful and the background is awesome.
I would guess this was taken at their home.  I know it wasn't ours and not Grandma and Grandpas.
The sectional is really familiar to me - I can feel the scratchy nubbiness of it.
I retouched this to take out the flash reflected in the television.  It was large and very bright.  
I think this was probably a polaroid - Dad took lots of photos with his.  I can smell that stick of fixative so clearly in the smell-o-vision of my memory.
This is from Rick . . . more to come.